Bright Blue Wave in the Ocean

Protecting Lives and the Environment on Water.

Harnessing Technology for Humanity

In a world where water covers a significant portion of our planet, it is crucial to develop innovative solutions that save lives, protect the environment, and foster harmonious coexistence between humans and water ecosystems.

Transforming Water Safety

AIMS Index of Marine Industry 2023

Aqua Me is a integral part of the movement to improve outputs from the Australian Marine Industry, and in turn assist with lasting environmental change.

Australia’s Marine Industry, widely referred to as the “blue economy” contributed 5.2% to the 2020-21 GDP, had a total output of $118.5 billion and supported 462,000 full-time jobs.

Jellyfish in the Ocean

Our business aims to leverage cutting-edge technology to address these challenges, while fostering strong connections with research facilities, government, tourism and safety organisations, SLSC Australia, and other key stakeholders.

With a focus on protecting native habitats, preserving life, and ensuring safety, we present a comprehensive plan that encompasses multiple facets of water-related endeavours.

Environmental Protection

  • Our business is committed to utilising technology for humanity's benefit, emphasising the protection of lives, the environment, and the preservation of our native habitats.

  • Through strong partnerships with research facilities, government organisations, and safety agencies, we have pioneered innovative solutions that revolutionise water safety, environmental conservation, and human-wildlife coexistence.

  • By investing in our endeavour, you have the opportunity to contribute to a safer, more sustainable future for all, while capitalising on the potential for widespread adoption and significant positive impact.

  • Harnessing Technology for Humanity – Transforming Water Safety and Environmental Preservation.

Get in Touch.